
发布时间:2015年09月15日 来源:南宁输血医学研究所血小板免疫学网 阅读次数:

作者:钟周琳  申卫东  周燕  刘金莲  黎海燕  卢芳  吴国光
来源:中国输血杂志, 2014, 27(1):14-17.

摘要目的 建立CD36缺失结构的实验鉴定方法,调查广西地区汉、壮、瑶族人群CD36缺失频率及分布特征。方法 建立血小板流式细胞荧光免疫检测试验(PIFT-FC)对广西地区4 621名无血缘关系的汉、壮、瑶等民族献血者血小板CD36的表达作筛查,以血小板抗原单克隆抗体特异性免疫固定试验(MAIPA)对初筛CD36缺失者复检,以单核细胞流式细胞荧光免疫检测试验(MIFT-FC) 检测CD36缺失者的单核细胞CD36的表达,对CD36缺失型个体作缺失型的亚型分型及CD36缺失结构的研究。结果 PIFT-FC和MAIPA筛查出广西汉、壮、瑶族个体CD36的总体缺失率是4.13%(191/4 621),其中汉族人群的缺失率为3.59%(109/3036)、壮族为5.76%(80/1389)、瑶族为2.38%(2/84)。对其中117名CD36缺失个体分型检测:Ⅰ型CD36缺失的总体比例为41.03%(48/117),分别是汉族人群为39.19%(29/74)、壮族为43.90%(18/41)、瑶族为50%(1/2);Ⅱ型CD36缺失的总体比例为58.97%(69/117),分别是汉族人群为60.81%(45/74)、壮族为56.10%(23/41)、瑶族为50%(1/2)。 结论 成功建立PIFT-FC、MAIPA和MIFT-FC试验;广西汉、壮、瑶民族人群间的CD36缺失结构有差异,壮族人群CD36缺失率较高,显示出其民族特征。

Characteristic and structure analysis of CD36 deficiency in Han, Zhuang and Yao population from Guangxi region

Zhong Zhou-lin, Shen Wei-dong, Zhou Yan, Liu Jin-lian, Li Hai-yan, Lu Fang, Wu Guo-guang△. 
Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion, 2014, 27(1):14-17.

Abstract: Objective To study the methods for CD36 deficiency detection. Investigate the incidence of CD36 deficiency and characteristics of Han, Zhuang and Yao nationality individuals from Guangxi region. Methods Platelet Immunofluorescence Test-Flow Cytometry (PIFT-FC)assay was setup to screen CD36 deficiency from Han, Zhuang, and Yao nationality non-related donors, and the results were checked by Monoclonal Antibody-specific Immobilization of Platelet Antigens (MAIPA) assay, then expression of CD36 on monocyte was analysed by Monocyte Immunofluorescence Test-Flow Cytometry (MIFT) to classify the types of CD36 deficiency.  Results 4621 samples were screened, of which 191 were CD36 deficiency by PIFT and MAIPA assays. The incidence of CD36 deficiency  was 4.13%(191/4 621), while the incidence of Han ethnic population was 3.59%(109/3036), Zhuang was 5.76%(80/1389), Yao was 2.38%(2/84). 117 of 191 CD36 deficiency donors were classified the types of CD36 deficiency. It showed that the overall proportion of Type I was 41.03%(48/117), and Han ethnic population was 39.19%(29/74), Zhuang was 43.90%(18/41), Yao was 50%(1/2). while Type II was 58.97%(69/117), Han was 60.81%(45/74), Zhuang was 56.10%(23/41), Yao was 50%(1/2), respectively.  Conclusion Our study demonstrate that the incidence of CD36 deficiency of Guangxi population was 4.13%, while the proportion of Type I deficiency was 41.03%. Different ethnic groups were statistically significant differences on the structure of CD36 deficiency. The incidence of CD36 deficiency of Zhuang population was much higher than other nationality, which exhibit unique characteristics of zhuang nationality. 
Key words: CD36; deficiency; Platelet Immunofluorescence Test-Flow Cytometry (PIFT-FC); Monocyte Immunofluorescence Test-Flow Cytometry (MIFT-FC); Monoclonal Antibody-specific Immobilization of Platelet Antigens (MAIPA); Han nationality; Zhuang nationality; Yao nationality; Guangxi

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