
发布时间:2015年09月15日 来源:南宁输血医学研究所血小板免疫学网 阅读次数:

作者:廖燕, 申卫东, 李丽兰, 周先果, 何保仁, 刘学军,  刘金莲,  黄惠妮
来源:现代医药卫生, 2014, 30(15):2241-2245

【摘要】 目的 探讨广西壮族自治区壮族居民HAP-2基因分布频率,指导相关血小板输注的治疗决策。方法 采用聚合酶链式单核苷酸多态性方法对2 659名广西壮族自治区壮族健康成年人的血液样本进行HPA-2基因分型检测,用直接测序法解决HPA-2分型差异。结果  HPA-2a/2a、HPA-2a/2b和HPA-2b/2b的等位基因频率分别为0.915 7、0.082 4和0.001 9;测得基因多态性位点与数据库收录信息全部吻合,未发现新的单核苷酸多肽性(SNP)位点。广西壮族自治区壮族居民HPA-2a/2b基因的杂合程度与大多数亚洲国家的研究结果相似,与非洲人相比存在显著差异。结论 该研究有助于确定该地区居民HPA-2多态性分布及其潜在临床意义,能更好地理解和治疗壮族免疫性介导的血小板疾病。

【关键词】 抗原,人血小板; 广西[壮族自治区]; 基因频率;

Study on genetic frequency of HPA-2 of Zhuang nationality in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

Liao Yan,Shen,Weidong,Li Lilan,Zhou Xianguo,He Baoren,Liu Xuejun,Liu Jinlian,Huang Huini
Journal of Modern Medicine & Health, 2014, 30(15):2241-2245.

[Abstract] Objective  To determine the gene distribution frequency of human platelet antigen(HPA)-2 of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,so as to guide treatment decisions concerning platelet(PLT) transfusion. Methods  The polymerase chain single nucleotide polymorphism was adopted to determine the genetic typing of HPA-2 among 2 659 health adults in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,and the direct sequencing was employed to resolve the genetic difference of HPA-2. Results  Allele frequencies of HPA-2a/2a,HPA-2a/2b and HPA-2b/2b were 0.915 7,0.082 4 and 0.001 9,respectively. The detected gene poly- morphism site was completely identical to the information in database,and no new single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) site was discovered. The degree of heterozygosis of HPA-2a/2b of Zhuang nationality was similar to the research results of most Asian counties,but compared with the African,the difference was significant. Conclusion  This study contributes to determine the polymorphism distribution of HPA-2 in Guangxi and its potential clinical significance,and it is beneficial to understand and treat immune-mediated PLA disease of Zhuang nationality.
[Key words] Antigens,human platelet; Guangxi; Gene frequency

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